One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA and BS in Economics Degree

Why Study Economics at Cedarville?

With Cedarville's distinctly Christian economics degree, you'll be prepared for success in a variety of careers. Choose to pursue either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) — if you're planning to attend graduate school, the BS option is ideal, while the BA offers flexibility for exploring other courses or adding a minor. Whichever you choose, you will study in a tradition of free market economics, focusing on the intersection of faith and economics.

Everyone lives and works in our market economy. Regardless of where you exercise your ministry — in private enterprise, the government, or in a church or missionary setting — you relate to many people, even people you don't know, through economic connections. Cedarville’s economics major will help you maximize these ministry opportunities while preparing you for a career in management or other general business vocations. You will leave with enhanced problem-solving abilities and an in-depth understanding of economic principles integrated with biblical truth.

If you're looking to study economics but don't want it to be your central focus, then Cedarville's economics minor may be for you! This minor will help instill the "economic way of thinking", even if economics isn't your major.

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Program Overview

Professor standing in front of classroom teaching.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Jeffrey Haymond

Jeffrey Haymond, PhD

Dean, Robert W. Plaster School of Business; Professor of Economics

Photo of Jared Pincin

Jared Pincin, PhD

Associate Professor of Economics

Photo of Galen Smith

Galen Smith, DMin

Professor Emeritus of Economics

Photo of Bert Wheeler

Bert Wheeler, PhD

Professor of Economics

Program News